All competitions organized by the Courchevel Golf Club Association are under the responsibility of the Bureau which is sovereign in the development and management of the calendar. He is responsible for the smooth running of all events.
The Rules applied are those established by the R&A followed by the possible recommendations of the F.F.G.and the local rules of the Club.
Any competitor must be up to date with his F.F.G. licence or that of his country of origin. Otherwise, registration for any competition will be refused.
Calendar and registrations
The Bureau will make sure to announce in advance on the website www.golfdecourchevel.com and on the information panel of the Club House, the calendar of competitions 2022 For all competitions, the registration will be closed the day before at 12:00 p.m., the deadline.
If necessary, the Committee reserves the right to limit the number of competitors to 104 players, the field being determined by the order of registration.

Medical Certificate
The medical certificate is required to participate in the competitions. The absence of a medical certificate will void the player’s registration in the relevant competition.
Red Markers
2nd Ladies series from 26.5 to 54.0
Blue Markers
1st Ladies series from 0 to 26.4
Papys Men (+75 years, born from 1949 included, index > 19.9)
Yellow Markers
2nd series Men from 20.0 to 54.0
Old Men (+75 years, born from 1949 inclusive, index ≤ 19.9)
White Markers
1st series Men from 0 to 19.9
Junior Series: Under 14, born (e) from 2011 included
Boys: yellow markers
Girls: red markers
Start of competitions
The Bureau offers players to choose 2 time slots for departure:
Morning (7:30 -10:00) and afternoon (12:40 - 14:40).
The Bureau reserves the right not to respond favourably to specific requests from players regarding their departure time or partners.
The opening hours will be displayed at the entrance of the Club House on Friday afternoon and published on the Golf site.
No changes will be accepted once the draw and the departures are published.
A player who is forced to withdraw must inform the club as soon as possible. A player who is not present at the start and who has not notified the club will be considered disqualified. However, the Bureau may examine cases of force majeure and decide accordingly.
On competition day
The Board has the authority to change departure schedules, to interrupt competition due to adverse or hazardous weather conditions.
After having paid his game fee (from € 15 for adults - from € 10 for juniors, born from 2011 included) and with his score card, the player must present himself at the start 10 minutes in advance in order to meet the necessary formalities (exchange of cards, starter instructions).
Players who arrive late, up to 5 minutes after their start time, and without valid reason will be penalized by 2 shots on the first hole in application of the note of the golf rule 6-3a. After 5 minutes, players will be disqualified.
For competitions whose starts are not regulated by a starter, players will start according to the games defined by the Bureau according to the published schedule.
Winning players under the age of 18 cannot receive a prize in alcohol.
If an award-winning player is absent, his prize will be awarded to the next player in the ranking or random draw. A player cannot accumulate a prize for his classification in gross with another prize for his classification in net.
However, cumulation is possible with a prize obtained in a competition organized in the competition in question (drive or approach contest).
The Bureau, in agreement with the partner, reserves the right to distribute prizes by random draw.